A previous Planning Application (21/00478/F) for a large 6-bedroom dwelling was refused last April. The main reason for refusal was: “The proposed dwelling by virtue of its scale, design, layout, form, materials and siting individually and cumulatively would result in the introduction of an incongruous and out of keeping addition to Canford Lane. The proposal would fail to respect the character and appearance of the surrounding area (including the established character of houses; building line and open and spacious nature of corner) and would cause harm to the street scene. The proposal would appear overly large and dominant and would represent an overdevelopment of the site”.
Whilst this latest Application (21/05995/F) for a pair of 2-storey semi-detached dwellings goes someway to ameliorate the previous grounds for refusal, some may argue that the revised proposals remain incongruous and totally out of keeping with surrounding properties. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 5 January 2022, with a "Determination Deadline" of 28 January 2022.
UPDATE! (26 January 2022) Planning Permission was Refused on 26 January 2022. In summary, the Planning Officer’s grounds for refusal were “The proposed dwellings (including associated external parking areas), by virtue of their design, layout, form and siting would result in the introduction of an incongruous and out of keeping addition to Canford Lane. The proposal would fail to respect the character and appearance of the surrounding area and would cause harm to the street scene. The proposal would also fail to comply with the established building line and would fail to enhance the open, verdant corner”, and additionally “The proposed dwellings by virtue of their overall design, scale, form, siting and massing would have a harmful impact on no. 331 Canford Lane in terms of overbearing, loss of sunlight/daylight and impact on outlook from this property and on no. 329 Canford Lane in terms of overbearing and overshadowing. The proposal would fail to safeguard the amenities enjoyed at these neighbouring properties”.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision, or to submit a new Application.
UPDATE! (3 May 2022) The Applicant has subsequently submitted an Appeal against the refusal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3294652). The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 26 May 2022.
UPDATE! (9 August 2022) The Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 9 August 2022.
Whilst this latest Application (21/05995/F) for a pair of 2-storey semi-detached dwellings goes someway to ameliorate the previous grounds for refusal, some may argue that the revised proposals remain incongruous and totally out of keeping with surrounding properties. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 5 January 2022, with a "Determination Deadline" of 28 January 2022.
UPDATE! (26 January 2022) Planning Permission was Refused on 26 January 2022. In summary, the Planning Officer’s grounds for refusal were “The proposed dwellings (including associated external parking areas), by virtue of their design, layout, form and siting would result in the introduction of an incongruous and out of keeping addition to Canford Lane. The proposal would fail to respect the character and appearance of the surrounding area and would cause harm to the street scene. The proposal would also fail to comply with the established building line and would fail to enhance the open, verdant corner”, and additionally “The proposed dwellings by virtue of their overall design, scale, form, siting and massing would have a harmful impact on no. 331 Canford Lane in terms of overbearing, loss of sunlight/daylight and impact on outlook from this property and on no. 329 Canford Lane in terms of overbearing and overshadowing. The proposal would fail to safeguard the amenities enjoyed at these neighbouring properties”.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision, or to submit a new Application.
UPDATE! (3 May 2022) The Applicant has subsequently submitted an Appeal against the refusal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3294652). The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 26 May 2022.
UPDATE! (9 August 2022) The Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 9 August 2022.