Major Local Planning Applications
(Page Last Updated 27th March 2025)
This page contains a summary of the various planning applications made in the area, together with their outcomes when decided.
To view responses made by the Society to specific applications, please click on this link
To view responses made by the Society to specific applications, please click on this link
Currently Open for Comment
1-3 High Street
The latest Application (25/10865/PINS) for redeveloping the ex-Barclays Bank site now includes proposals for the addition of a new second floor, within a mansard-style roof, for two self-contained flats. Additionally, the ground floor would be retained as a commercial unit and the First Floor converted into two self-contained flats. Prior Approval has previously been granted (24/04389/CU) for the change of use from Commercial (Class E), to a mixed use development including two flats at first floor level (Class C3) with a commercial unit retained on the Ground Floor.
Additionally, an earlier recent Planning Application (24/03326/COU) for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use from Commercial (Class E) to 3 self-contained flats, at Ground and First Floor levels, was Refused. However, the Applicant lodged a successful Appeal against this Refusal.
The “Consultation Expiry Date” is currently recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 4 April 2025 and the "Determination Deadline" is quoted as 1 May 2025.
Ex-Police Station, 49 High Street
The Applicant has submitted an Application (25/11101/COU) to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed Change of Use from Commercial (Class E) to four self-contained apartments (Class C3).
The application covers the entire building, which currently has a lawful use as a solicitor’s office (Class E), to provide four self-contained apartments across the ground and first floors - arranged as one 1-bedroom flat and three 2-bedroom flats. No external alterations to the building are proposed.
Until recently, the building hosted a solicitor’s office but was formerly a police station - built in 1869.
In 2021 Prior Approval was previously granted (21/04110/COU) for the proposed Change of Use from Offices Use Class B1(a) to Dwellinghouses (Class C3) but this was not implemented and has since lapsed.
A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 19 March 2025 and the Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 9 April 2025 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 7 May 2025.
10 Rylestone Grove
Over the last three years or so, there have been several applications for this site, including alterations to the existing property and demolition as a precursor to building a new property. Whilst some applications have been granted, the demolition and rebuild has been refused and the refusal upheld at Appeal. To date, none of the applications that have been granted have been completed but the Planning Approvals remain extant.
However, a new Application (24/04544/F) has been submitted for the proposed demolition of the existing dwelling and the self-build erection of a replacement dwelling and outbuilding.
The Application is supported by a 57-page Planning Statement, a 10-page Design, Access and Sustainability Statement, a 13-page Construction & Environmental Management Plan and a 34-page Sustainability and Energy Statement.
The Planning Statement includes a statement that “The applicant wishes to remodel and increase the size of the existing accommodation as is their legitimate lawful expectation. Further the increase in the size of the house on the site would result in a corresponding increase in the property’s value this compounds the logic of undertaking the fallback if this application is refused. The fallback is far more than a theoretical proposition it is entirely realistic. If this application is refused the extant consents reference 24/01898/H, 24/01899/H and 24/02248/H will be implemented.”
Additionally, as the proposed new build is classed as “self-build”, the proposals are exempt from the Biodiversity Net Gain rules and also exempt from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 21 November 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 12 December 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 9 January 2025.
11 – 13 High Street
Previous Applications have been granted for the redevelopment of the former NatWest Bank premises. Application 24/00831/COU granted Prior Approval (Class MA) for a proposed change of use of part of the building from commercial, business and services (Use Class E) to four self-contained apartments (Use Class C3) on the upper floors, whilst retaining the ground floor for commercial use. Application 24/03121/F granted permission to make alterations to the existing shopfront in order to create new pedestrian access points and reposition the shop windows.
This latest Application (24/04548/F) seeks permission to build a first-floor extension at the rear of the premises in order to create a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) incorporating part of the ground floor. The remainder of the ground floor would be retained for commercial use.
A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 19 November 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 10 December 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 9 January 2025.
47 High Street
This Planning Application (23/01974/F) seeks permission to demolish the existing lock-up garages and a Class E unit on the site and to build five new dwellings and a new Class E unit. The Applicant’s Design and Access Statement describes the proposed new dwellings as an “enclosed Mews development accessed off the existing lane from the High Street” and that the mews approach is in-keeping with the character of the village. There would be two 4-bed and three 3-bed units, plus a replacement commercial unit situated on the footprint of the existing Class E building.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 20 July 2023.
336 Canford Lane
The Applicant has submitted a Notification for Prior Approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension to the existing property. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 10 December 2024 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 26 December 2024.
UPDATE! (11 December 2024) On 11 December 2024, BCC Planners deemed that Prior Approval was “not required”, subject to Conditions.
UPDATE! (06 January 2025) The Applicant has now submitted an Application for Prior Approval to enlarge the existing property by the construction of an additional two storeys (25/10050/HAS).
UPDATE! (03 March 2025) The Application for Prior Approval to add an additional two storeys was Granted on 3 March 2025, subject to Conditions.
17 Trym Road
This Planning Application (24/02750/H) seeks permission to remove the existing front wall and excavate the front garden to create a new off-road parking space, plus creating a dropped kerb to allow access across the public pathway. The Applicant’s Design Statement quotes “The development fits in with other houses currently with driveways and will ease the current parking problems within the street essentially creating an extra parking space off road”. A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 9 October 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 30 October 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 28 November 2024.
UPDATE! (20 December 2024) Permission for the proposed off-road parking space was Refused on 20 December 2024. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “By virtue of the siting of the parking space, and the physical obstructions to clear visibility at the point of entry and exit to the highway, the proposed parking space poses risk to pedestrian and highway safety. The proposed space would encourage excessive manoeuvring on the footway, thus causing long term damage to the footway, increasing the likelihood of vulnerable pedestrian and vehicular conflict”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
329 Canford Lane
Two previous recent Planning Applications, (21/00478/F) for a large 6-bedroom dwelling and (21/05995/F) for a pair of 2-storey semi-detached dwellings ) were refused and an Appeal against refusal the latter Application (APP/Z0116/W/22/3294652) was subsequently dismissed.
This latest Application (23/01535/F) is for a single, 2-storey detached dwelling, adjacent to the existing property, with garden and off street parking.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 1 November 2023 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 9 June 2023.
UPDATE! (23 December 2023) The Application was Refused on 21 December 2023. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “As a result of its situation within a planned corner gap in development, its two storey scale and its irregular form the proposed dwelling represents a contrived, overly prominent and unsympathetic addition which would detract from the positive characteristics of the verdant setting” and “There is insufficient information to demonstrate proposals will offer a biodiversity net gain or mitigate against habitat loss as a result of development”.
However, as with previous Applications for this site, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
UPDATE!(24 July 2024) The Applicant has now lodged an Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/24/3346598) against the city council for their refusal to grant planning permission. The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 28 August 2024.
UPDATE! (29 November 2024) the Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed on 29 November 2024
334 Canford Lane
Over the last few years there have been several applications for this site, including alterations to the existing property, change of use and demolition as a precursor to building two new properties. Whilst some applications have been granted, others (including the demolition and rebuild) have been refused.
To date, none of the applications that have been granted have been completed and the outcome of a current Appeal against refusal to build two new dwellings is awaited, together with the outcome of a concurrent application for an extension to the existing dwelling.
A summary of the recent planning applications is detailed below, in chronological order:
17/01132/F - New 5-bedroom dwelling. Withdrawn 19 April 2017
17/02932/F - Erection of a 4-bedroom house. Granted 9 August 2017
18/01154/F - Conversion of existing property into two dwellings (1x3-bed and 1x2-bed). Granted 4 May 2018
20/02002/F - Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two new 3-storey (plus basement excavation) 8-bedroom, 16-bedspace dwellings including attached garages. Refused 1 September 2020.
21/02002/F - Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two dwelling houses. Refused 13 October 2021. Subsequent Appeal against refusal Dismissed 24 October 2022
22/03807/F - Change of use from residential (C3) to a stroke rehabilitation facility (C2). Granted 5 January 2023
23/01883/F - Demolish the existing dwelling and build two detached 7-bed, 14 bedspace, dwellings, each with a subterranean (lower ground) floor which includes a 16-seat cinema, gym and games room. Refused 16 October 2023. Currently subject to an Appeal against Refusal
24/02275/HX - Notification of prior approval for the erection of a single storey, rear extension that would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 7.9 metres, have a maximum height of 3.95 metres and have eaves that are 3.95 metres high. Determination deadline currently listed as 30 July 2024 on BCC’s Planning website
UPDATE! (28 July 2024) Prior Approval was given (with conditions) on 26 July 2024 for the development as detailed in 24/02275/HX for the erection of a single storey rear extension. However, the Appeal against Refusal for the demolition of the existing dwelling and to build two detached 7-bed, 14 bedspace, dwellings (23/01883/F) has yet to be decided.
UPDATE! (27 November 2024) the Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed on 27 November 2024. However, an application for costs was allowed against Bristol City Council and the applicant is now invited to submit to Bristol City Council the details of those costs with a view to reaching agreement as to the amount.
The Westbury Care Home, Falcondale Road
The latest Planning Application for this site (24/03808/F) seeks permission for additional Ground Floor extensions and internal works to the “Garden Suite”, plus landscaped garden works. Previous renovations, which extended nine north and south-facing bedrooms, were approved under application 21/02336/F. These latest proposals also include decreasing the number of parking spaces in the lower car park from 9 to 6 and transforming the vacated parking area into a new landscaped garden. A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 9 October 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 30 October 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 28 November 2024.
UPDATE! (19 November 2024) Permission was Granted on 18 November 2024, subject to conditions – specifically the protection of Retained Trees during the Construction Period.
1 High Street
This Planning Application (24/03326/COU) seeks Prior Approval for a proposed change of use from a bank (previously Barclays Bank) to 3 self-contained flats. The “Site Notice Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 2 October 2024, with a "Determination Deadline" of 22 October 2024.
UPDATE! (24 October 2024) Prior approval was Refused on 21 October 2024. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed change of use represents an unacceptable form of development that fails to respect the character and sustainability of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area. The diverse array of ground-floor shopfronts is crucial for preserving the character and facilitating social interaction within the area. Any alteration to this mix would have a detrimental impact on the established character of Westbury-on-Trym's Commercial Core”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
11-13 High Street
The latest Planning Application (24/03121/F) for the site of the former NatWest Bank premises (which closed in August 2023) seeks permission to make alterations to the existing shopfront in order to create new pedestrian access points and reposition the shop windows.
In July 2024, the Developer (South West Estates Management Ltd), had previously obtained Prior Approval (Class MA) for a proposed change of use of part of the building from commercial, business and services (Use Class E) to four self-contained apartments (Use Class C3) on the upper floors, whilst retaining the ground floor for commercial use (Planning Application 24/00831/COU). This latest Application seeks, inter alia, to amend the means of access to the four self-contained apartments and to regularise the layout of the ground floor for its future commercial use. A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 15 August 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 5 September 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 7 October 2024.
UPDATE! (24 October 2024) Permission was Granted on 18 October 2024 (subject to conditions)
49 High Street
This Planning Application (23/02169/F) seeks permission to build three new 3-bed dwellings on the existing car park at the rear of 49 High Street (the former c1869 Police Station, now offices). The Applicant’s Design and Access Statement describes the proposed new dwellings as “high quality in appearance, creating a pleasant courtyard to the rear of the former Police Station in lieu of a surface car park, and have well thought out internal living spaces.” Each house will have a single parking space and an electric car charging point.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 26 July 2023.
UPDATE! (14 October 2024) The Application was Refused on 14 October 2024. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed erection of 3 dwellings represents a significant overdevelopment of the backland site, with the resultant building by virtue of the cramped, awkward layout, siting, design, quantum, scale, shape, form, footprint, density, height and massing appearing incongruous, overly prominent and poor quality within this part of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area which would appear out of keeping with the immediate backland context and surrounding properties”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
The Applicant has submitted a Notification for Prior Approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension to the existing property. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 10 December 2024 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 26 December 2024.
UPDATE! (11 December 2024) On 11 December 2024, BCC Planners deemed that Prior Approval was “not required”, subject to Conditions.
UPDATE! (06 January 2025) The Applicant has now submitted an Application for Prior Approval to enlarge the existing property by the construction of an additional two storeys (25/10050/HAS).
UPDATE! (03 March 2025) The Application for Prior Approval to add an additional two storeys was Granted on 3 March 2025, subject to Conditions.
17 Trym Road
This Planning Application (24/02750/H) seeks permission to remove the existing front wall and excavate the front garden to create a new off-road parking space, plus creating a dropped kerb to allow access across the public pathway. The Applicant’s Design Statement quotes “The development fits in with other houses currently with driveways and will ease the current parking problems within the street essentially creating an extra parking space off road”. A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 9 October 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 30 October 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 28 November 2024.
UPDATE! (20 December 2024) Permission for the proposed off-road parking space was Refused on 20 December 2024. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “By virtue of the siting of the parking space, and the physical obstructions to clear visibility at the point of entry and exit to the highway, the proposed parking space poses risk to pedestrian and highway safety. The proposed space would encourage excessive manoeuvring on the footway, thus causing long term damage to the footway, increasing the likelihood of vulnerable pedestrian and vehicular conflict”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
329 Canford Lane
Two previous recent Planning Applications, (21/00478/F) for a large 6-bedroom dwelling and (21/05995/F) for a pair of 2-storey semi-detached dwellings ) were refused and an Appeal against refusal the latter Application (APP/Z0116/W/22/3294652) was subsequently dismissed.
This latest Application (23/01535/F) is for a single, 2-storey detached dwelling, adjacent to the existing property, with garden and off street parking.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 1 November 2023 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 9 June 2023.
UPDATE! (23 December 2023) The Application was Refused on 21 December 2023. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “As a result of its situation within a planned corner gap in development, its two storey scale and its irregular form the proposed dwelling represents a contrived, overly prominent and unsympathetic addition which would detract from the positive characteristics of the verdant setting” and “There is insufficient information to demonstrate proposals will offer a biodiversity net gain or mitigate against habitat loss as a result of development”.
However, as with previous Applications for this site, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
UPDATE!(24 July 2024) The Applicant has now lodged an Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/24/3346598) against the city council for their refusal to grant planning permission. The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 28 August 2024.
UPDATE! (29 November 2024) the Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed on 29 November 2024
334 Canford Lane
Over the last few years there have been several applications for this site, including alterations to the existing property, change of use and demolition as a precursor to building two new properties. Whilst some applications have been granted, others (including the demolition and rebuild) have been refused.
To date, none of the applications that have been granted have been completed and the outcome of a current Appeal against refusal to build two new dwellings is awaited, together with the outcome of a concurrent application for an extension to the existing dwelling.
A summary of the recent planning applications is detailed below, in chronological order:
17/01132/F - New 5-bedroom dwelling. Withdrawn 19 April 2017
17/02932/F - Erection of a 4-bedroom house. Granted 9 August 2017
18/01154/F - Conversion of existing property into two dwellings (1x3-bed and 1x2-bed). Granted 4 May 2018
20/02002/F - Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two new 3-storey (plus basement excavation) 8-bedroom, 16-bedspace dwellings including attached garages. Refused 1 September 2020.
21/02002/F - Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two dwelling houses. Refused 13 October 2021. Subsequent Appeal against refusal Dismissed 24 October 2022
22/03807/F - Change of use from residential (C3) to a stroke rehabilitation facility (C2). Granted 5 January 2023
23/01883/F - Demolish the existing dwelling and build two detached 7-bed, 14 bedspace, dwellings, each with a subterranean (lower ground) floor which includes a 16-seat cinema, gym and games room. Refused 16 October 2023. Currently subject to an Appeal against Refusal
24/02275/HX - Notification of prior approval for the erection of a single storey, rear extension that would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 7.9 metres, have a maximum height of 3.95 metres and have eaves that are 3.95 metres high. Determination deadline currently listed as 30 July 2024 on BCC’s Planning website
UPDATE! (28 July 2024) Prior Approval was given (with conditions) on 26 July 2024 for the development as detailed in 24/02275/HX for the erection of a single storey rear extension. However, the Appeal against Refusal for the demolition of the existing dwelling and to build two detached 7-bed, 14 bedspace, dwellings (23/01883/F) has yet to be decided.
UPDATE! (27 November 2024) the Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed on 27 November 2024. However, an application for costs was allowed against Bristol City Council and the applicant is now invited to submit to Bristol City Council the details of those costs with a view to reaching agreement as to the amount.
The Westbury Care Home, Falcondale Road
The latest Planning Application for this site (24/03808/F) seeks permission for additional Ground Floor extensions and internal works to the “Garden Suite”, plus landscaped garden works. Previous renovations, which extended nine north and south-facing bedrooms, were approved under application 21/02336/F. These latest proposals also include decreasing the number of parking spaces in the lower car park from 9 to 6 and transforming the vacated parking area into a new landscaped garden. A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 9 October 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 30 October 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 28 November 2024.
UPDATE! (19 November 2024) Permission was Granted on 18 November 2024, subject to conditions – specifically the protection of Retained Trees during the Construction Period.
1 High Street
This Planning Application (24/03326/COU) seeks Prior Approval for a proposed change of use from a bank (previously Barclays Bank) to 3 self-contained flats. The “Site Notice Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 2 October 2024, with a "Determination Deadline" of 22 October 2024.
UPDATE! (24 October 2024) Prior approval was Refused on 21 October 2024. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed change of use represents an unacceptable form of development that fails to respect the character and sustainability of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area. The diverse array of ground-floor shopfronts is crucial for preserving the character and facilitating social interaction within the area. Any alteration to this mix would have a detrimental impact on the established character of Westbury-on-Trym's Commercial Core”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
11-13 High Street
The latest Planning Application (24/03121/F) for the site of the former NatWest Bank premises (which closed in August 2023) seeks permission to make alterations to the existing shopfront in order to create new pedestrian access points and reposition the shop windows.
In July 2024, the Developer (South West Estates Management Ltd), had previously obtained Prior Approval (Class MA) for a proposed change of use of part of the building from commercial, business and services (Use Class E) to four self-contained apartments (Use Class C3) on the upper floors, whilst retaining the ground floor for commercial use (Planning Application 24/00831/COU). This latest Application seeks, inter alia, to amend the means of access to the four self-contained apartments and to regularise the layout of the ground floor for its future commercial use. A Neighbour Notification List was issued by BCC on 15 August 2024 and the “Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date” is recorded on BCC’s Planning Portal as 5 September 2024 - with a "Determination Deadline" of 7 October 2024.
UPDATE! (24 October 2024) Permission was Granted on 18 October 2024 (subject to conditions)
49 High Street
This Planning Application (23/02169/F) seeks permission to build three new 3-bed dwellings on the existing car park at the rear of 49 High Street (the former c1869 Police Station, now offices). The Applicant’s Design and Access Statement describes the proposed new dwellings as “high quality in appearance, creating a pleasant courtyard to the rear of the former Police Station in lieu of a surface car park, and have well thought out internal living spaces.” Each house will have a single parking space and an electric car charging point.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 26 July 2023.
UPDATE! (14 October 2024) The Application was Refused on 14 October 2024. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed erection of 3 dwellings represents a significant overdevelopment of the backland site, with the resultant building by virtue of the cramped, awkward layout, siting, design, quantum, scale, shape, form, footprint, density, height and massing appearing incongruous, overly prominent and poor quality within this part of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area which would appear out of keeping with the immediate backland context and surrounding properties”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
10 Rylestone Grove
Over the last three years there have been several applications for this site, including alterations to the existing property and demolition as a precursor to building a new property. Whilst some applications have been granted, the demolition and rebuild has been refused.
To date, none of the applications that have been granted have been completed and the outcome of three concurrent applications for extensions and other works to the existing dwelling are currently awaited.
A summary of the recent planning applications is detailed below, in chronological order:
21/05977/F - Demolition of existing detached house and erection of 6-bedroom replacement detached dwelling with integral garage, associated landscaping and adjusted access. Refused 7 April 2022 and a subsequent Appeal against refusal was Dismissed 14 June 2023
22/02332/N - Demolition of detached corner residential property including adjoining extension/garage and associated hardstanding. Refused 22 July 2022
22/05989/H – Demolition of existing garage and single-storey side extension. Construction of a basement, single-storey side and rear extensions, loft conversion and installation of dormer windows with external alterations. Refused 6 October 2023
23/04947/CP – Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use or Development - Extensions to the existing dwelling. Certificate of Lawfulness not issued 24 January 2024
23/04979/HX – Notification of Prior Approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension that would exceed beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6 metres, have a maximum height of 3 meters and have eaves that are 3 metres high. Prior Approval given 24 April 2024
24/00347/CP – Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use or Development - Proposed extensions to existing dwelling. Certificate of Lawfulness issued 11 April 2024
24/01898/H – Proposed works to extend the existing house. Determination deadline currently listed as 11 July 2024 on BCC’s Planning website
24/01899/H – Minor works to improve existing vehicular and pedestrian access. Determination deadline currently listed as 16 July 2024 on BCC’s Planning website
24/02248/H - Proposed side and rear extension. Determination deadline currently listed as 14 August 2024 on BCC’s Planning website
UPDATE! (6 August 2024) Permission was Granted (subject to conditions) on 5 August 2024 for the minor works (24/01899/H) to improve the existing vehicular and pedestrian access. However, the Applications to extend the existing house (24/01898/H) and (24/02248/H) have yet to be decided.
UPDATE! (3 October 2024) Permission was Granted (subject to conditions) on 2 October 2024 for the proposed works to extend the existing house (24/01898/H), subject to conditions. The Planning Officer noted that the application was highly similar to the concurrent application (24/02248/H) and as such both applications were assessed alongside each other and the latter application was also Granted. The Planning Officer included a post occupation management Condition that “Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re-enacting that Order) no extension or enlargement (including additions to roofs) shall be made to the dwellinghouse(s) hereby permitted, or any detached building erected, without the express permission in writing of the council.” The Planning Officer also included a pre-commencement Condition that “There shall be no installation of any air conditioning and/or installed plant until details including location and noise levels have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.”
Rear of 164A Westbury Road
This Planning Application (22/04669/F) seeks permission to build a new 2-Bedroom 3-Person dwelling on the current back-land hard standing that fronts onto Southfield Road. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 November 2022, with a “Determination Deadline” of 21 November 2022.
UPDATE! (12 September 2023) The Application was Refused on 12 September 2023. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “As a result of its two-storey scale, cramped proportions and a lack of articulation to the detailed design of the front elevation, the proposed dwelling would appear as a jarring and incongruous addition to the street scene, and an overly intensive, cramped form of development on a constrained plot which would erode the high-quality setting provided by the framing of this section of Southfield Road by unlisted buildings of merit”.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
Cote House, Cote Drive
This Application (22/04539/F) covers a very comprehensive set of proposals for internal and external works - including amendments to the layout of existing apartments (Use Class C3) and restoration of the existing orangery. The Site, situated on the northern side of The Downs, comprises the following designated heritage assets which have been considered during the evolution of the proposals:
• Grade II* listed Cote (the house)
• Grade II listed orangery and attached walls to the north of the Cote
• Grade II listed gate piers at entrance drive to Cote
Previously, Cote House was converted and extended for use first as a retirement home (C3 use), and then to self-contained apartments (C3 use), in the mid/late 20th century. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 November 2022, with a “Determination Deadline” of 22 November 2022.
UPDATE! (11 January 2024) The Application was Granted on 18 December 2023, subject to numerous conditions.
Public Conveniences, Westbury High Street
Previous Applications to redevelop this site, 20/02348/VC and 21/01789/VP, were both refused. This latest Application (21/04837/F) again seeks to redevelop the site by demolishing the existing redundant single-storey toilet block and replacing it with a new-build bijou development spread over three floors.
The Developer’s Design & Access Statement extols the proposed development’s desire to “seek to remove an identified ‘negative’ building within the conservation area and replace this with a development that addresses and responds to the noted ‘character area’ traits, enhancing the setting of the conservation area”. However, others may take an opposing view and decide that it presents a gross over-development of the plot which does not fit comfortably within the existing street scene.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 November 2021 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 29 November 2021.
UPDATE! (19 November 2021) Planning Permission was Refused on 19 November 2021. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed development by virtue of its scale, height, massing, form, design, shape, materials, fenestration and proportions would appear an incongruous and awkward feature within the street scene which would appear out of keeping with the immediate context and surrounding Character Buildings; failing to respect local architectural styles, rhythms, patterns, features and themes in this part of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area.”
Additionally, “The proposed commercial (Use Class E) element, by virtue of the limited floorspace, lack of storage space and lack of facilities (including toilet, washing and cooking) would be incapable of accommodating a range of retailers and associated uses and the development would subsequently fail to deliver a use which will contribute to maintaining the vitality, viability, diversity and function of the Local Centre and its ability to meet day-to-day shopping needs”.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
UPDATE! (8 August 2022) A new and revised Application (22/03873/F) has been submitted for the refurbishment of the former public convenience with a first-floor level extension for the provision of a two-storey commercial unit whilst retaining the existing TPO tree. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 14 September 2022 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 3 October 2022.
UPDATE! (14 May 2023) The Application was Granted on 12 May 2023, subject to numerous conditions.
Telecoms Mast, Westbury Court Road
This Planning Application (21/06356/Y) seeks permission to determine if Prior Approval is required for a proposed 15.0m high Phase 8 Monopole with a wraparound Cabinet at its base and associated ancillary works.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 29 December 2021, with a "Determination Deadline" of 19 January 2022.
UPDATE! (19 January 2022) Prior Approval for the siting of the proposed development was Refused on 19 January 2022. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “By virtue of appearance and siting, the proposed telecoms equipment would result in harm to the appearance of the street as well as the setting and significance of the adjacent Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area and the grade I listed Holy Trinity Church. The proposed siting, height, form and materials of the apparatus would appear utilitarian and unsympathetic, which would be at odds with the green, suburban character of the street. The Local Planning Authority is not satisfied the public benefits associated with the development cannot be delivered by an alternative site which posed less harm to heritage assets”.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
UPDATE! (22 June 2022) The Applicant (CK Hutchinson Networks (UK) Ltd) has now lodged an Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3296456) against the city council for their refusal to grant prior approval of permitted development rights. The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 26 July 2022.
UPDATE! (14 March 2023) The Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3296456) against the refusal was dismissed. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “the proposal would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area and also “I consider that the search for and assessment of alternative sites is not sufficiently robust and I cannot be certain that there are no other sites available where the harm would be less severe.”
15 Westfield Road
This Planning Application (21/05310/F) seeks permission to demolish the existing buildings (a large detached house and garage) and build five houses, with parking (but no garages). The new dwellings would consist of two pairs of semi-detached houses and one detached house. As a consequence, this development proposes the removal of several mature trees and arguably offers very little by way of “amenity space” for some of the proposed new dwellings.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 24 November 2021.
UPDATE! (25 November 2021) A revised set of plans were submitted by the developer for only four houses, not five.
UPDATE! (13 January 2022) Planning Permission was Refused on 13 January 2022. In summary, the Planning Officer’s grounds for refusal were “The proposed development will result in the removal of a building which contribute positively to local character and distinctiveness and would result in a significant reduction in the amount of trees, planting and greenery from the site; with the overall layout, density, scale and plot coverage (including the extent of hardstanding and off street parking) resulting in the loss of the open, landscaped curtilage and verdant, green character. The development will subsequently fail to integrate important existing trees and green infrastructure assets and would result in the introduction of new dwellings which by virtue of their layout, siting and plot coverage, combined with the overall density, height, scale, design, shape and form (including roof form) would appear incongruous and awkward within the street scene, out of keeping with the prevailing character to the detriment of local character and distinctiveness. This would also impact negatively on the character and green setting of the adjacent Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area”.
UPDATE! The Applicant has subsequently submitted an Appeal against the refusal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3296023) but this has yet to commence.
Meanwhile, the Applicant has now submitted an alternative Application (22/01935/F) for the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of three detached 4/5 bedroom houses, with one parking space per dwelling and associated works.
Whilst this latest Application goes some way to ameliorate the grounds for refusing the previous Application, some may still argue that this is still an overdevelopment of the existing site, with the provision of only one parking space per dwelling that could accommodate 8/9 people.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 19 May 2022 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 14 June 2022.
UPDATE! (10 September 2022) Whilst the Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3296023) against the refusal for the two pairs of semi-detached houses has yet to be decided, the concurrent Application for three detached houses was granted, subject to Conditions, on 9 September 2022.
UPDATE! (10 February 2023) The Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3296023) against the refusal was dismissed and the Planning Inspector concluded “The proposed development would fail to accord with the development plan and the adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits. There are no other material circumstances which indicate that planning permission should be granted. Therefore, for the reasons given above I conclude that the appeal should fail.” However, the Application (22/01935/F), that was previously granted for three houses, remains extant.
Telecoms Mast at Corner of Charlton Road and Passage Road
There are currently a number of Planning Applications in and around Bristol for the erection of a series of similar 20m high monopole telecommunications masts and their associated operating cabinets. One of the sites proposed is on the small triangle of council-owned grassland at the junction of Charlton Road and Passage Road (opposite The Ridgeway) – Application 21/04011/Y. The majority of these Applications have been contentious and have raised numerous objections from local residents. Several have been refused, eg Greystoke Avenue (Southmead), Application 20/03139/Y and Sea Mills Square, Application 21/02990/Y. Currently, there is also an Application (21/03766/Y) being considered for Ellsworth Road, in Henbury (just off Crow Lane) which has received many objections – including from the two local councillors. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 25 August 2021, with a “Determination Deadline” of 16 September 2021.
UPDATE! (21 September 2021) The Application for Prior Approval was Refused on 9 September 2021. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed development will result in the introduction of an unacceptable amount of incongruous, unsympathetic, obtrusive and highly prominent street clutter within the townscape by virtue of the considerable bulk, scale, massing and isolated siting of telecommunications equipment at the site which would be out of character with the immediate context. The development would therefore cause unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the Brentry Conservation Area and wider important open space”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
UPDATE! (27 September 2022) Somewhat belatedly, the Applicant (CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd) has now lodged an Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3294645) against the city council’s refusal to grant prior approval of permitted development rights. The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 1 November 2022.
UPDATE! (9 December 2022) The Appeal was Dismissed – primarily on the grounds of the proposed mast being in a Conservation Area and also the lack of detail as to why the Option 2 and Option 3 locations had been ruled out.
Telecoms Mast, Land Adjacent to Grange Park, Eastfield and Priory Avenue
This Planning Application (22/04214/Y) seeks permission to determine if Prior Approval is required for a proposed installation of a 15m high Phase 8 street pole, mounted on a new foundation, with a wrap-around cabinet built around its base and associated ancillary works.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 5 October 2022, with a "Determination Deadline" of 25 October 2022.
UPDATE! (21 October 2022) Prior Approval for the siting of the proposed development was Refused on 21 October 2022. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed development would result in unjustified visual harm to the setting of a designated heritage asset (Grade II Listed Eastfield) owing to its close proximity to the asset and prominently visible location when viewed from multiple directions”. Additionally, “The siting of the proposed mast and associated equipment on a narrow section of green verge directly adjacent to the road carriageway with cabinets opening across the public footway would prejudice the safe use of both the carriageway and the footway. There is no justification contained within supporting documentation which overcomes this concern, and accordingly proposals fail to demonstrate that safe movement along the footway would be maintained in this instance”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
50, 52 and 54 Stoke Lane
This Planning Application (21/04801/F) seeks permission to demolish the three existing bungalows and build 4 pairs of 4-bedroomed semi-detached houses - totalling 8 new dwellings. Some may consider this to be a gross over-development of the three existing sites with the loss of the three extant bungalows and, perhaps more importantly, the loss of most of their associated gardens. Additionally, valuable on-street parking spaces in Stoke Lane would be lost forever.
Currently, the closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 13 October 2021, with a “Determination Deadline” of 29 October 2021.
UPDATE! (24 February 2022) Planning Permission was Refused on 23 February 2022. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposed development will result in the removal of buildings which contribute positively to local character and distinctiveness and replace them with a development which by virtue of its scale, height, materials, design, plot coverage, shape, siting and form would appear incongruous and awkward within the street-scene, out of keeping with the prevailing character and spacious, open quality of the surrounding townscape, to the detriment of local character and distinctiveness.”
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
UPDATE! (6 July 2022) The Applicant (Stonewood Homes) has now lodged an Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/22/3299017) against the city council for their refusal to grant planning permission. The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 9 August 2022.
UPDATE! (13 September 2022)The Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 13 September 2022. The Inspector concluded that “the proposal would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area and so it would not accord with the development plan when read as a whole. There is insufficient justification to make a decision other than in accordance with the development plan. Therefore, I conclude the appeal should be dismissed”.
1-3 Passage Road
The premises previously traded as The Raj Indian Restaurant and were recently sold at auction. A previous Planning Application (21/05711/COU) was granted on 12 December 2021 for a change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to 2 Dwelling Houses (Use Class C3), subject to Conditions and Advices.
This latest Application (22/00564/F) now seeks full planning permission for external alterations and a small extension to the rear, in order to enlarge the existing upper floor flat.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 6 April 2022, with a "Determination Deadline" of 15 April 2022.
UPDATE! (15 April 2022) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 13 April 2022, subject to conditions. The existing ground floor shopfront will be removed, aside from the recessed entrance door at the corner (including pilasters and detailing) which will be retained following Case Officer advice as the door is considered to be a high-quality design feature. Initially permission was sought to infill the recessed areas of the shopfront.
UPDATE! (24 June 2022) The Applicant has subsequently submitted a revised Application (22/02000/F) to change the use of the two ground floor residential dwellings (Use Class C3) granted under Application 22/00564/F to two small Houses in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4). The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 19 August 2022.
UPDATE! (7 September 2022) The latest Application (22/02000/F) for a change of use to two Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) was Granted , subject to Conditions, on 6 September 2022. Included in the Planning Officer’s Report is an in-depth evaluation of the appropriateness for the conversion of the previous restaurant premises into two HMOs
9 Abbey Road
This Planning Application (22/00230/F) seeks permission to build a new detached dwelling to the side of the existing dwelling at 9 Abbey Road. As is common with so many similar “garden-grabbing” developments, this Application appears to propose an over-development of a small backland plot.
A previous Application (21/03689/F) in September last year was withdrawn in November. The "Determination Deadline" for this latest Application is 15 March 2022.
UPDATE! (9 April 2022) Planning Permission was Refused on 8 April 2022. In summary, the Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal were: “The proposed height, scale and massing of the dwelling is not considered to be appropriate for back land development as it is not adequately subservient to the frontage building. Further to this, the siting of the proposed would reduce the open aspect of the proposal site and the design of the large blank roof form as proposed on the front elevation is considered detrimental the character and appearance of the street scene”.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision, or to submit a new Application.
24 Cambridge Crescent ('Cambridge House')
This Planning Application (20/05326/F) seeks permission to demolish the existing commercial premises and redevelop the site to provide two dwellings and offices. A previous Planning Application to redevelop the site to provide three dwellings (20/01298/F) was withdrawn in June 2020.
This latest Application seeks to “dovetail” the redevelopment proposals into the extant permission granted under Planning Application (19/05300/F) to add a first and second floor extension to 51 Westbury Hill and to change of use of the upper floors of no. 53 Westbury Hill to provide two apartments.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 30 January 2021.
Subsequently, revised plans were submitted with proposals that did not include any redevelopment at 51-53 Westbury Hill.
UPDATE! (8 February 2022) Full Planning Permission was Granted, subject to conditions, at the Meeting of the Development Control Committee ‘A’ on 2 February 2022 and the Notice of Decision was posted on 7 February 2022.
125 Passage Road
This Planning Application (21/05797/X) seeks permission to remove/vary condition 14 of permission 17/04933/F that was previously granted for a new two storey dwelling house – specifically the addition of a dormer to make use of the roof space.
A similar previous Application (21/03693/X) was refused on the grounds that “the proposed dormer window due to its excessive size, poor quality design and prominent siting within the side roof slope of the property would appear an overly prominent and incongruous feature which would fail to respect the scale, form and overall design and character of the host building and broader street scene. The proposed removal of the hipped roof and introduction of gables to the front and rear elevations will also result in the dwelling appearing incongruous and out of keeping with surrounding properties and the immediate context which is characterised by pitched roof dwellings. This would be harmful to the overall design and character of the host building, broader street scene and surrounding area”.
Whilst the current Application goes someway to ameliorate the previous grounds for refusal, some may argue that the revised proposals remain incongruous and out of keeping with surrounding properties.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 1 December 2021 and the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 23 December 2021.
UPDATE! (13 December 2021) Planning Permission was Refused on 13 December 2021. In summary, the Planning Officer’s grounds for refusal were very similar to the previous Application 21/03693/X that was refused last August.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision, or to submit a new Application.
1-3 Passage Road, Proposed Change of use from Commercial to 2 Dwelling Houses
This Planning Application (21/05711/COU) seeks permission to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to 2 Dwelling Houses (Use Class C3). The premises were recently sold at auction and most recently traded as The Raj Indian Restaurant.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 17 December 2021.
UPDATE! (12 December 2021) Prior Approval for the “Change of Use” was granted on 9 December 2021, subject to Conditions and Advices. The advices include “Any external changes shown on the plans should be subject to a separate application for planning permission as Class MA does not permit external works required to facilitate the change of use” and “It is not a Building Regulations approval and does not remove the need to obtain other consents, for example, under Building Regulations and/or Party Wall Acts”. Therefore, further Planning Applications can be expected.
Ground Floor Flat, 162 Westbury Road
This Planning Application (21/04971/F) seeks permission to demolish an existing block of three garages and rebuild a granny annexe as ancillary accommodation to the existing ground floor flat. A previous application to demolish the garage block and build a two storey, 2-bed dwelling (20/00070/F) was refused, as was a later Application (20/01885/F) for a single-storey 1-bedroom dwelling.
The Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal of the latter Application was “Owing to its siting, form, proportions and overall design the proposal is found to represent a prominent and incongruous addition to the established street scene and would fail to preserve or enhance the setting of locally prominent character buildings or the character of this part of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area”.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 12 November 2021.
UPDATE! (1 December 2021) Planning Permission was Refused on 1 December 2021. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded, inter alia, that “The proposal on the basis of the information supplied (i.e. the bedroom/bathroom and living space, provision of a separate means of access as well as the absence of a permanent and maintainable functional link between the annex and existing building) would not remain ancillary to the use of the existing dwelling. The proposal would therefore represent a self-contained dwelling that fails to comply with policy for new dwellings including adequate living standards, cycle parking provision, refuse and recycling storage and the mitigation of climate change via sustainability measures.
However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
Westbury Gardens Residential Home, Falcondale Road
This latest Planning Application (21/02336/F) seeks permission to remodel the existing single storey building which is part of the Westbury Care Home complex. Concurrently, there is another Application (21/01286/F) to improve the entrance into the site and another (21/03499/F) to create a balcony on the rear facade. It is interesting to note that, in December 2019, an application (18/05823/F) was granted for an additional (second) storey to Westbury Gardens building and this remains extant.
The closing date for the receipt of comments on this latest Application (21/02336/F) by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 19 August 2021.
UPDATE! (24 September 2021) Planning Permission for remodelling the single storey building was granted on 23 September 2021, subject to Conditions. The concurrent Application to improve the entrance to the site (21/01286/F) has yet to be decided.
UPDATE! (26 October 2021) The Application to improve the entrance to the site (21/01286/F) was subsequently granted on 25 October 2021, subject to Conditions.
49 High Street (the “Old” Police Station)
There are two concurrent Applications seeking to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed Change of Use from Offices (Class B1(a)) to Dwelling houses (Class C3). The first (21/04006/COU) would retain an existing ground floor office and include separate living accommodation over the ground and first floors. The second Application (21/04110/COU) seeks to convert the existing building into three 2-bedroom apartments. It is not obvious from the Applications as to which Application would proceed, if both were granted. When comparing the floor plans submitted with each Application there are several obvious discrepancies between the “as existing” floor plans and neither Application makes reference to any proposals for the rear car-parking area.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website for either Application but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as either 21 or 22 September 2021.
UPDATE! (21 September 2021) Both Applications were granted Approval on 20 September 2021, subject to Conditions. However, it remains to be seen which of the two Applications proceed.
10 Canford Lane
This Planning Application (21/01923/F) seeks permission to demolish the existing single storey commercial unit and erect a new two-storey unit to be used as a Class E Create & Play Café (the site was previously leased by Westbury Inks before they relocated to 14 Canford Lane). The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 14 July 2021 with a "Determination Deadline" of 20 July 2021
UPDATE! (7 August 2021) The Application was granted on 6 August 2021, subject to (many) conditions.
1 Whytes Close
In November 2020, permission was granted to build a new two storey four bedroom dwelling, attached to the existing detached dwelling (Application 20/02624/F). The developer has now submitted a new, alternative, application (21/00018/F) seeking permission to build a detached two storey four bedroom dwelling adjacent to the existing detached dwelling.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners has not been published but the “Determine Deadline” for this Application has been set for 8 March 2021.
UPDATE! (27 June 2021) The Application was Withdrawn on 25 June 2021. The withdrawal was just a formality, as construction is already well-advanced for the semi-detached dwelling granted permission under Application 20/02624/F.
10 Southfield Road
There are two concurrent Applications (20/05652/H and 20/05637/CP) for the erection of a single storey timber granny annexe (mobile home) and the demolition of an existing garage canopy. An Application (20/05710/VC) for tree works in the rear garden was granted in January 2021 but with Conditions to the effect that if removal of the trees were a precursor to the granny annex then the Council will seek mitigation through their “regular planning process”.
The closing date for receipt of comments by BCC’s Planners for 20/05637/CP is 19 January 2021 and the “Determine Deadline” for 20/05652/H is 3 March 2021.
UPDATE! (24 April 2021) Application 20/05652/H was granted (with conditions) on 26 March 2021 and Application 20/05637/CP for a Certificate of Proposed Development was granted on 15 March 2021.
52 Grange Close North
This Planning Application (20/06232/H) seeks permission for a single storey extension to the east elevation of the existing bungalow, to form new bedroom.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 27 January 2021, with a “Determine Deadline” of 17 February 2021.
UPDATE!(18 February 2021) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 17 February 2021, subject to conditions.
29 Westover Road
This Planning Application (20/05686/F) seeks permission to erect a 2-storey, 2-bedroom, dwelling attached to the existing detached dwelling.
A previous Planning Application (20/03025/F) was refused last September when one of the Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal was “The position and design of the house would lead to a poor quality design response for the site, failing to respect the overall design and character of the host building, its curtilage and the broader streetscene. This in turn would impact negatively on the street scene as it would go against the established pattern and character of development in the vicinity”.
This latest Application is, therefore, a resubmission which purports to address all the previous grounds for refusal.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 29 January 2021.
UPDATE! (12 February 2021)The Application was Refused. As with previous Applications, the Planning Officer again refused permission to build a new dwelling as it would infill a significant proportion of the site in an area characterised by its mature landscaping and front and side gardens. This would be harmful to the local character and distinctiveness of the area. Additionally, the proposed development would fail to ensure safe and suitable vehicular access. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
Previous History
Prabhu Krupa Villa, Passage Road
There are two concurrent Applications (20/05935/VP and 20/05953/VC) for tree works on trees in a Conservation Area, one or more of which are subject to a TPO (Tree Preservation Order). It is interesting to note that the Applicant has included the felling of some Ash trees "ahead of Ash dieback" disease. However, National policy is that Ash trees should not be felled ahead of Ash die-back. Indeed, even with Ash die-back, they should only be felled when and if they are dangerous.
The “Determine Deadline” by BCC’s Planners for this Application is 3 February 2021.
UPDATE! (2 February 2021) Application 20/05953/VC was decided on 25 January 2021 in that a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) was not required and therefore the Application to fell three trees, plus other limb reductions was acceptable. Application 20/05935/VP was approved on 2 February 2021 which granted permission to fell eight trees covered by TPO 184 with a condition that seven replacement trees are planted.
Rear of 49 High Street
This Planning Application (20/04126/F) seeks permission to build a terrace of three 3-bedroom houses, with associated car parking, in the current car park at the rear of 49 High Street (the “old” Police Station). The proposed houses have traditional tiled roofs and rendered first floors with orange/red farmhouse style bricks to the ground floor walls The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 25 November 2020, with a "Determination Deadline" of 16 December 2020.
UPDATE! (8 December 2020) Application was withdrawn.
1 Whytes Close
This latest Planning Application (20/02624/F) seeks permission to build a new two storey four bedroom dwelling, attached to the existing detached dwelling. This follows Refusal for building a detached dwelling house in the garden (19/01762/F) in June 2019 and an Appeal against this Refusal was Dismissed in December 2019.
The applicant's submitted Arboricultural Report acknowledges that several trees were removed prior to submitting the previous application and, therefore, the loss of these trees is addressed as part of this latest application. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 September 2020, with a "Determination Deadline" of 18 September 2020.
UPDATE! (30 November) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 30 November 2020, subject to Conditions.
Previous History
162 Westbury Road
This Planning Application (20/01885/F) seeks permission to demolish a garage block and construct a single storey 1- bed dwelling. This follows Refusal for demolition and construction of a two storey, 2-bed dwelling (20/00070/F) in March 2020.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners was 10 June 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 2 July 2020.
UPDATE! (15 October 2020)Planning Permission was Refused. In summary, one of the Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal was “Owing to its siting, form, proportions and overall design the proposal is found to represent a prominent and incongruous addition to the established street scene and would fail to preserve or enhance the setting of locally prominent character buildings or the character of this part of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area”. Additionally, “The proposal fails to deliver any viable private external amenity space and owing to boundary treatments at the rear is essentially viewed to offer a single aspect outlook to future occupiers. Combined with the low sloping roof at first floor level, the proposal is found to officer a cramped, oppressive and generally substandard quality of living space for future occupiers”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
1B Shipley Road
Replacement of garage by new attached dwelling (Application Withdrawn October 2020)
49 High Street (the “Old” Police Station)
There are two concurrent Applications seeking to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed Change of Use from Offices (Class B1(a)) to Dwelling houses (Class C3). The first (21/04006/COU) would retain an existing ground floor office and include separate living accommodation over the ground and first floors. The second Application (21/04110/COU) seeks to convert the existing building into three 2-bedroom apartments. It is not obvious from the Applications as to which Application would proceed, if both were granted. When comparing the floor plans submitted with each Application there are several obvious discrepancies between the “as existing” floor plans and neither Application makes reference to any proposals for the rear car-parking area.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed on BCC’s Planning Website for either Application but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as either 21 or 22 September 2021.
UPDATE! (21 September 2021) Both Applications were granted Approval on 20 September 2021, subject to Conditions. However, it remains to be seen which of the two Applications proceed.
10 Canford Lane
This Planning Application (21/01923/F) seeks permission to demolish the existing single storey commercial unit and erect a new two-storey unit to be used as a Class E Create & Play Café (the site was previously leased by Westbury Inks before they relocated to 14 Canford Lane). The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 14 July 2021 with a "Determination Deadline" of 20 July 2021
UPDATE! (7 August 2021) The Application was granted on 6 August 2021, subject to (many) conditions.
1 Whytes Close
In November 2020, permission was granted to build a new two storey four bedroom dwelling, attached to the existing detached dwelling (Application 20/02624/F). The developer has now submitted a new, alternative, application (21/00018/F) seeking permission to build a detached two storey four bedroom dwelling adjacent to the existing detached dwelling.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners has not been published but the “Determine Deadline” for this Application has been set for 8 March 2021.
UPDATE! (27 June 2021) The Application was Withdrawn on 25 June 2021. The withdrawal was just a formality, as construction is already well-advanced for the semi-detached dwelling granted permission under Application 20/02624/F.
10 Southfield Road
There are two concurrent Applications (20/05652/H and 20/05637/CP) for the erection of a single storey timber granny annexe (mobile home) and the demolition of an existing garage canopy. An Application (20/05710/VC) for tree works in the rear garden was granted in January 2021 but with Conditions to the effect that if removal of the trees were a precursor to the granny annex then the Council will seek mitigation through their “regular planning process”.
The closing date for receipt of comments by BCC’s Planners for 20/05637/CP is 19 January 2021 and the “Determine Deadline” for 20/05652/H is 3 March 2021.
UPDATE! (24 April 2021) Application 20/05652/H was granted (with conditions) on 26 March 2021 and Application 20/05637/CP for a Certificate of Proposed Development was granted on 15 March 2021.
52 Grange Close North
This Planning Application (20/06232/H) seeks permission for a single storey extension to the east elevation of the existing bungalow, to form new bedroom.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 27 January 2021, with a “Determine Deadline” of 17 February 2021.
UPDATE!(18 February 2021) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 17 February 2021, subject to conditions.
29 Westover Road
This Planning Application (20/05686/F) seeks permission to erect a 2-storey, 2-bedroom, dwelling attached to the existing detached dwelling.
A previous Planning Application (20/03025/F) was refused last September when one of the Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal was “The position and design of the house would lead to a poor quality design response for the site, failing to respect the overall design and character of the host building, its curtilage and the broader streetscene. This in turn would impact negatively on the street scene as it would go against the established pattern and character of development in the vicinity”.
This latest Application is, therefore, a resubmission which purports to address all the previous grounds for refusal.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is not currently listed but the "Determination Deadline" is recorded as 29 January 2021.
UPDATE! (12 February 2021)The Application was Refused. As with previous Applications, the Planning Officer again refused permission to build a new dwelling as it would infill a significant proportion of the site in an area characterised by its mature landscaping and front and side gardens. This would be harmful to the local character and distinctiveness of the area. Additionally, the proposed development would fail to ensure safe and suitable vehicular access. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision.
Prabhu Krupa Villa, Passage Road
There are two concurrent Applications (20/05935/VP and 20/05953/VC) for tree works on trees in a Conservation Area, one or more of which are subject to a TPO (Tree Preservation Order). It is interesting to note that the Applicant has included the felling of some Ash trees "ahead of Ash dieback" disease. However, National policy is that Ash trees should not be felled ahead of Ash die-back. Indeed, even with Ash die-back, they should only be felled when and if they are dangerous.
The “Determine Deadline” by BCC’s Planners for this Application is 3 February 2021.
UPDATE! (2 February 2021) Application 20/05953/VC was decided on 25 January 2021 in that a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) was not required and therefore the Application to fell three trees, plus other limb reductions was acceptable. Application 20/05935/VP was approved on 2 February 2021 which granted permission to fell eight trees covered by TPO 184 with a condition that seven replacement trees are planted.
Rear of 49 High Street
This Planning Application (20/04126/F) seeks permission to build a terrace of three 3-bedroom houses, with associated car parking, in the current car park at the rear of 49 High Street (the “old” Police Station). The proposed houses have traditional tiled roofs and rendered first floors with orange/red farmhouse style bricks to the ground floor walls The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 25 November 2020, with a "Determination Deadline" of 16 December 2020.
UPDATE! (8 December 2020) Application was withdrawn.
1 Whytes Close
This latest Planning Application (20/02624/F) seeks permission to build a new two storey four bedroom dwelling, attached to the existing detached dwelling. This follows Refusal for building a detached dwelling house in the garden (19/01762/F) in June 2019 and an Appeal against this Refusal was Dismissed in December 2019.
The applicant's submitted Arboricultural Report acknowledges that several trees were removed prior to submitting the previous application and, therefore, the loss of these trees is addressed as part of this latest application. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 September 2020, with a "Determination Deadline" of 18 September 2020.
UPDATE! (30 November) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 30 November 2020, subject to Conditions.
162 Westbury Road
This Planning Application (20/01885/F) seeks permission to demolish a garage block and construct a single storey 1- bed dwelling. This follows Refusal for demolition and construction of a two storey, 2-bed dwelling (20/00070/F) in March 2020.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners was 10 June 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 2 July 2020.
UPDATE! (15 October 2020)Planning Permission was Refused. In summary, one of the Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal was “Owing to its siting, form, proportions and overall design the proposal is found to represent a prominent and incongruous addition to the established street scene and would fail to preserve or enhance the setting of locally prominent character buildings or the character of this part of the Westbury-on-Trym Conservation Area”. Additionally, “The proposal fails to deliver any viable private external amenity space and owing to boundary treatments at the rear is essentially viewed to offer a single aspect outlook to future occupiers. Combined with the low sloping roof at first floor level, the proposal is found to officer a cramped, oppressive and generally substandard quality of living space for future occupiers”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
1B Shipley Road
Replacement of garage by new attached dwelling (Application Withdrawn October 2020)
This Planning Application (20/03655/F) seeks permission to demolish the existing attached garage and replace it with a new attached dwelling, to provide two 2-bedroom flats. Within the front garden, there will be the provision of one parking space to serve the existing residence, plus the two flats. The Applicant’s submitted “Sustainability Statement” makes reference to the site’s location being situated approximately a four minute walk from the nearest bus stops and this will encourage Greener Transport Use.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 23 September 2020, with a "Determination Deadline" of 8 October 2020.
UPDATE! (2 October 2020) Application was withdrawn.
Westerleigh Cottage, Cote Drive
Site Redevelopment (Application Granted August 2020)
This Application (20/01960/F) is the latest in a series of Applications seeking to redevelop this site, within the Downs Conservation Area, following the demolition of the original iconic cottage Granted as part of one of the previous Applications (17/05120/F) in November 2017, following an earlier Refusal (16/04539/F).
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 1 July 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 7 July 2020.
UPDATE! (14 August 2020) Full Planning Permission was granted on 12 August 2020, subject to conditions.
2 Merlin Close
Variation of Planning Conditions (Application Granted July 2020)
This Application (20/01784/X) seeks to vary Condition 9 (External Works to Match) and Condition 10 (Sustainability Statement) of the permission previously Granted under Application (19/03181/F) for the demolition of the existing prefab bungalow and the construction of two single-storey dwellings. An earlier Application (19/00347/F) for the construction of two new 3-bedroom dwellings was Refused in April 2019.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners was 10 June 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 25 June 2020.
UPDATE! (14 August 2020) Full Planning Permission was granted on 31 July 2020, subject to conditions.
Previous History
51 - 53 Westbury Hill
Extension to existing buildings and change of use(Application Granted July 2020)
This Application (19/05300/F) seeks permission to add a first and second floor extension to 51 Westbury Hill and to change of use of the upper floors of no. 53 Westbury Hill to provide two apartments. A parallel Application (20/01298/F) by the same Developer to redevelop the adjacent site at 34 Cambridge Crescent to provide three 3-storey 3-bedroom houses was Withdrawn in June 2020.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners was 18 March 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 6 April 2020 but, to date, no extensions to either date have been published by BCC.
UPDATE! (14 August 2020) Full Planning Permission was granted on 22 July 2020 by the Development Control Committee, subject to conditions.
Falcondale Road, Westbury Gardens Residential Home
Remodelling of Existing Facilities (Application Granted December 2019)
This Planning application (18/05823/F) seeks to expand the number of bedrooms by adding a second story to an existing single-storey building. This Application replaces a similar previous Application 18/02236/F) submitted last April that was subsequently withdrawn in August.
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 12 December and the "Determination Deadline" is 31 December 2018.
UPDATE! (28 February 2019) A Revised Plan and Supporting Document have been submitted and the date for submission of comments has been extended to 21 March 2019.
UPDATE! (30 October 2019) Further revised plans have been submitted by the Applicant and, as a consequence, the date for submission of comments has been extended to 13 November 2019.
UPDATE! the application has been called in to be decided by the Development Control Committee B at their Meeting on 4 December 2019.
UPDATE! (5 December 2019) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 4 December 2019 by the Development Control Committee, subject to conditions.
Previous History
Canford Lane
Demolition of Coombe House (Application for Prior Notification - Demolition, Given, February 2019)
This Planning Application (19/00043/N) seeks permission to demolish the existing Council-owned building, "Coombe House", on Canford Lane. The building was a former elderly persons home and has been out of use for a number of years. Demolition is a precursor for redeveloping the site to provide new council housing.
UPDATE! Application for Prior Notification Given on 12 February 2019.
12 Southover Close
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Build 6 Flats (Application Refused, June 2018 and an Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed in November 2018)
This Planning Application (18/02274/F) for a block of 6 flats is the latest in a series of applications that have been submitted to develop this site and follows the recent Refusal of an Application (18/00317/F) to build a block of 7 flats.
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 6 June 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 27 June 2018.
UPDATE! (27 June 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 27 June 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
UPDATE! (6 September 2018) The Developer initiated an Appeal on 3 September 2018: APP/Z0116/W/18/3208236.The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 8 October 2018.
UPDATE! (7 December 2018) The Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 28 November 2018.
Previous History
Red Maids' School
Application for the Expansion of Facilities at Red Maids' School (Application Withdrawn, July 2018)
This latest Application (18/01911/F) is for the erection of a modular classroom building to provide music and art space and follows a previous application (16/06846/F) that was Refused (April 2017) and the Appeal against Refusal was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector (February 2018).
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 13 June 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 22 June 2018.
UPDATE! (6 July 2018) Application Withdrawn, 5 July 2018
Previous History
Land Adjacent to 24 Canford Lane
Construction of a Pair of Semi-Detached Houses (Application Granted, June 2018)
This Application (18/01087/F) seeks permission to build a pair of semi-detached houses on the small plot of land previously used by JC Decaux for an advertising hoarding. The proposals also include the removal of a sycamore tree covered by TPO 1189. However, the developer has proposed that this is mitigated by compliance with BCC's "Bristol Tree Replacement Standard".
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 May 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 17 May 2018.
UPDATE! (29 June) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 29 June 2018, subject to conditions.
1-3 Stoke Lane
Proposed Conversion of Adjacent Space and First Floor (above existing commercial unit) into 3 Residential Accommodation Units (Application Granted, April 2018)
Following withdrawal of a previous Application (17/04425/F) in November 2017 - for the conversion of the existing retail unit (Connells Estate Agents) into four individual dwellings - a new Application has been submitted (17/06744/F) for three self-contained flats on the same site.
UPDATE! (9 February 2018) Following submission of revised plans, the expiry date for comments has been extended to 13 April 2018.
UPDATE! (5 April 2018) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 5 April 2018, subject to conditions.
125 Westbury Road
Conversion of "The Hermitage" to 4 Flats, plus erection of 4 New Dwellings (Application Refused, March 2018)
The Hermitage is a locally-listed early 18th century building and located within the Downs Conservation Area. The current planning application (17/06637/F) proposes to convert the existing building into four flats, extending and converting the existing coach house into a dwelling, plus the erection of 4 new 3-storey houses fronting onto Westbury Road. The proposals also include on-site parking provision for 18 vehicles with vehicular access being via the existing gateway onto Westbury Road.
UPDATE! (24 March 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 19 March 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
48 Stoke Lane
Redevelopment of site (Application Granted, December 2017)
A third Application (17/06120/F) has been submitted for the demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a dormer bungalow, plus a pair of semi-detached houses. The Application proposes the inclusion of one off-street parking space (for the bungalow).
Previously, in April 2017, an Application (17/01088/F) for two pairs of semi-detached dormer bungalows was refused on the grounds that it would "represent an incongruous and over intensive form of development out of character with surrounding development to the detriment of the character and appearance of the streetscene and local area". Also, there was no provision for any off-street parking.
In July 2017, a revised Application (17/04126/F) was submitted for a total of three dwellings. These comprised a pair of semi-detached houses and a dormer bungalow. This Application was subsequently withdrawn in September 2017.
Notwithstanding the current revised Application, in August 2017 the Developer initiated an Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/17/3179449) against Refusal of the first Application and this was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 23 November 2017.
UPDATE! (18 December) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 18 December 2017, subject to Conditions.
125 Passage Road
Proposed Additional 2-Storey Detached House (Application Granted October 2017)
A previous Application (17/02747/F) was withdrawn in July 2017 but a revised Application (17/04933/F) has been submitted for a 2-storey detached dwelling in the garden of 125 Passage Road.The plot is contained within the existing curtilage of 125 Passage Road (at its junction with Northover Road). On the basis of the information detailed in the Application, it would appear that there will be provision for one off-street parking space and no provision for a garage - neither will the existing off-street parking provision for the host dwelling be retained, or relocated.
UPDATE! (25 October) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 24 October 2017, subject to conditions.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 23 September 2020, with a "Determination Deadline" of 8 October 2020.
UPDATE! (2 October 2020) Application was withdrawn.
Westerleigh Cottage, Cote Drive
Site Redevelopment (Application Granted August 2020)
This Application (20/01960/F) is the latest in a series of Applications seeking to redevelop this site, within the Downs Conservation Area, following the demolition of the original iconic cottage Granted as part of one of the previous Applications (17/05120/F) in November 2017, following an earlier Refusal (16/04539/F).
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 1 July 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 7 July 2020.
UPDATE! (14 August 2020) Full Planning Permission was granted on 12 August 2020, subject to conditions.
2 Merlin Close
Variation of Planning Conditions (Application Granted July 2020)
This Application (20/01784/X) seeks to vary Condition 9 (External Works to Match) and Condition 10 (Sustainability Statement) of the permission previously Granted under Application (19/03181/F) for the demolition of the existing prefab bungalow and the construction of two single-storey dwellings. An earlier Application (19/00347/F) for the construction of two new 3-bedroom dwellings was Refused in April 2019.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners was 10 June 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 25 June 2020.
UPDATE! (14 August 2020) Full Planning Permission was granted on 31 July 2020, subject to conditions.
51 - 53 Westbury Hill
Extension to existing buildings and change of use(Application Granted July 2020)
This Application (19/05300/F) seeks permission to add a first and second floor extension to 51 Westbury Hill and to change of use of the upper floors of no. 53 Westbury Hill to provide two apartments. A parallel Application (20/01298/F) by the same Developer to redevelop the adjacent site at 34 Cambridge Crescent to provide three 3-storey 3-bedroom houses was Withdrawn in June 2020.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners was 18 March 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 6 April 2020 but, to date, no extensions to either date have been published by BCC.
UPDATE! (14 August 2020) Full Planning Permission was granted on 22 July 2020 by the Development Control Committee, subject to conditions.
Falcondale Road, Westbury Gardens Residential Home
Remodelling of Existing Facilities (Application Granted December 2019)
This Planning application (18/05823/F) seeks to expand the number of bedrooms by adding a second story to an existing single-storey building. This Application replaces a similar previous Application 18/02236/F) submitted last April that was subsequently withdrawn in August.
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 12 December and the "Determination Deadline" is 31 December 2018.
UPDATE! (28 February 2019) A Revised Plan and Supporting Document have been submitted and the date for submission of comments has been extended to 21 March 2019.
UPDATE! (30 October 2019) Further revised plans have been submitted by the Applicant and, as a consequence, the date for submission of comments has been extended to 13 November 2019.
UPDATE! the application has been called in to be decided by the Development Control Committee B at their Meeting on 4 December 2019.
UPDATE! (5 December 2019) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 4 December 2019 by the Development Control Committee, subject to conditions.
Demolition of Coombe House (Application for Prior Notification - Demolition, Given, February 2019)
This Planning Application (19/00043/N) seeks permission to demolish the existing Council-owned building, "Coombe House", on Canford Lane. The building was a former elderly persons home and has been out of use for a number of years. Demolition is a precursor for redeveloping the site to provide new council housing.
UPDATE! Application for Prior Notification Given on 12 February 2019.
12 Southover Close
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Build 6 Flats (Application Refused, June 2018 and an Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed in November 2018)
This Planning Application (18/02274/F) for a block of 6 flats is the latest in a series of applications that have been submitted to develop this site and follows the recent Refusal of an Application (18/00317/F) to build a block of 7 flats.
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 6 June 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 27 June 2018.
UPDATE! (27 June 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 27 June 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
UPDATE! (6 September 2018) The Developer initiated an Appeal on 3 September 2018: APP/Z0116/W/18/3208236.The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 8 October 2018.
UPDATE! (7 December 2018) The Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 28 November 2018.
Red Maids' School
Application for the Expansion of Facilities at Red Maids' School (Application Withdrawn, July 2018)
This latest Application (18/01911/F) is for the erection of a modular classroom building to provide music and art space and follows a previous application (16/06846/F) that was Refused (April 2017) and the Appeal against Refusal was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector (February 2018).
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 13 June 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 22 June 2018.
UPDATE! (6 July 2018) Application Withdrawn, 5 July 2018
Land Adjacent to 24 Canford Lane
Construction of a Pair of Semi-Detached Houses (Application Granted, June 2018)
This Application (18/01087/F) seeks permission to build a pair of semi-detached houses on the small plot of land previously used by JC Decaux for an advertising hoarding. The proposals also include the removal of a sycamore tree covered by TPO 1189. However, the developer has proposed that this is mitigated by compliance with BCC's "Bristol Tree Replacement Standard".
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 May 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 17 May 2018.
UPDATE! (29 June) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 29 June 2018, subject to conditions.
1-3 Stoke Lane
Proposed Conversion of Adjacent Space and First Floor (above existing commercial unit) into 3 Residential Accommodation Units (Application Granted, April 2018)
Following withdrawal of a previous Application (17/04425/F) in November 2017 - for the conversion of the existing retail unit (Connells Estate Agents) into four individual dwellings - a new Application has been submitted (17/06744/F) for three self-contained flats on the same site.
UPDATE! (9 February 2018) Following submission of revised plans, the expiry date for comments has been extended to 13 April 2018.
UPDATE! (5 April 2018) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 5 April 2018, subject to conditions.
125 Westbury Road
Conversion of "The Hermitage" to 4 Flats, plus erection of 4 New Dwellings (Application Refused, March 2018)
The Hermitage is a locally-listed early 18th century building and located within the Downs Conservation Area. The current planning application (17/06637/F) proposes to convert the existing building into four flats, extending and converting the existing coach house into a dwelling, plus the erection of 4 new 3-storey houses fronting onto Westbury Road. The proposals also include on-site parking provision for 18 vehicles with vehicular access being via the existing gateway onto Westbury Road.
UPDATE! (24 March 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 19 March 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
48 Stoke Lane
Redevelopment of site (Application Granted, December 2017)
A third Application (17/06120/F) has been submitted for the demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a dormer bungalow, plus a pair of semi-detached houses. The Application proposes the inclusion of one off-street parking space (for the bungalow).
Previously, in April 2017, an Application (17/01088/F) for two pairs of semi-detached dormer bungalows was refused on the grounds that it would "represent an incongruous and over intensive form of development out of character with surrounding development to the detriment of the character and appearance of the streetscene and local area". Also, there was no provision for any off-street parking.
In July 2017, a revised Application (17/04126/F) was submitted for a total of three dwellings. These comprised a pair of semi-detached houses and a dormer bungalow. This Application was subsequently withdrawn in September 2017.
Notwithstanding the current revised Application, in August 2017 the Developer initiated an Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/17/3179449) against Refusal of the first Application and this was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 23 November 2017.
UPDATE! (18 December) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 18 December 2017, subject to Conditions.
125 Passage Road
Proposed Additional 2-Storey Detached House (Application Granted October 2017)
A previous Application (17/02747/F) was withdrawn in July 2017 but a revised Application (17/04933/F) has been submitted for a 2-storey detached dwelling in the garden of 125 Passage Road.The plot is contained within the existing curtilage of 125 Passage Road (at its junction with Northover Road). On the basis of the information detailed in the Application, it would appear that there will be provision for one off-street parking space and no provision for a garage - neither will the existing off-street parking provision for the host dwelling be retained, or relocated.
UPDATE! (25 October) Full Planning Permission was Granted on 24 October 2017, subject to conditions.