Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Build 6 Flats (Application Refused, June 2018 and an Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed in November 2018)
This Planning Application (18/02274/F) for a block of 6 flats is the latest in a series of applications that have been submitted to develop this site and follows the recent Refusal of an Application (18/00317/F) to build a block of 7 flats.
In 2016 an application (16/05502/F) was refused for redeveloping the site to include two pairs of semi-detached houses. Also, an Appeal against that Refusal was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector.
Subsequently, a successful, application (17/04773/H) for side and rear extensions to the existing dwelling (plus a new 2-berth detached garage) was granted in October 2017 and a further application (17/06194/CP) for a Lawful Development Certificate for a new-build 4-berth single-storey detached garage followed shortly afterwards and was issued in December 2017. Both of these successful applications remain extant.
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 6 June 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 27 June 2018.
UPDATE! (27 June 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 27 June 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
UPDATE! (6 September 2018) The Developer initiated an Appeal on 3 September 2018: APP/Z0116/W/18/3208236.The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 8 October 2018.
UPDATE! (7 December 2018) The Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 28 November 2018.
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Build 7 Flats (Application Refused, March 2018)
This Planning Application (18/00317/F) is the latest in a series of applications that have recently been submitted to develop this site. In 2016 an application (16/05502/F) was refused for redeveloping the site to include two pairs of semi-detached houses. Also, an Appeal against refusal was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector. There followed a subsequent, successful, application (17/04773/H) for side and rear extensions to the existing dwelling (plus a new 2-berth detached garage) that was granted in October 2017. A further application (17/06194/CP) for a Lawful Development Certificate for a new-build 4-berth single-storey detached garage followed shortly afterwards and was issued in December 2017. Both of these successful applications remain extant.
UPDATE! (24 March 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 23 March 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
Construction of New 4-Berth Detached Garage (Application Granted, December 2017)
Notwithstanding the extant planning permission that was previously granted in October 2017 - for side and rear extensions, plus a new 2-berth detached garage (17/04773/H) - this latest application (17/06194/CP) for a new-build 4-berth single-storey detached garage makes no reference to the previous successful application - in any shape or form.
UPDATE! (18 December) A Certificate of Lawfulness was Issued on 18 December 2017. However, the Planning Officer noted that "any future use of the building hereby permitted other than as an ancillary building for the host dwelling will require further planning permission in its own right".
This Planning Application (18/02274/F) for a block of 6 flats is the latest in a series of applications that have been submitted to develop this site and follows the recent Refusal of an Application (18/00317/F) to build a block of 7 flats.
In 2016 an application (16/05502/F) was refused for redeveloping the site to include two pairs of semi-detached houses. Also, an Appeal against that Refusal was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector.
Subsequently, a successful, application (17/04773/H) for side and rear extensions to the existing dwelling (plus a new 2-berth detached garage) was granted in October 2017 and a further application (17/06194/CP) for a Lawful Development Certificate for a new-build 4-berth single-storey detached garage followed shortly afterwards and was issued in December 2017. Both of these successful applications remain extant.
Closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 6 June 2018, with a "Determination Deadline" of 27 June 2018.
UPDATE! (27 June 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 27 June 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
UPDATE! (6 September 2018) The Developer initiated an Appeal on 3 September 2018: APP/Z0116/W/18/3208236.The final date for receipt of comments from "interested parties" is 8 October 2018.
UPDATE! (7 December 2018) The Appeal against Refusal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 28 November 2018.
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Build 7 Flats (Application Refused, March 2018)
This Planning Application (18/00317/F) is the latest in a series of applications that have recently been submitted to develop this site. In 2016 an application (16/05502/F) was refused for redeveloping the site to include two pairs of semi-detached houses. Also, an Appeal against refusal was subsequently Dismissed by the Planning Inspector. There followed a subsequent, successful, application (17/04773/H) for side and rear extensions to the existing dwelling (plus a new 2-berth detached garage) that was granted in October 2017. A further application (17/06194/CP) for a Lawful Development Certificate for a new-build 4-berth single-storey detached garage followed shortly afterwards and was issued in December 2017. Both of these successful applications remain extant.
UPDATE! (24 March 2018) Planning Permission was Refused on 23 March 2018. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
Construction of New 4-Berth Detached Garage (Application Granted, December 2017)
Notwithstanding the extant planning permission that was previously granted in October 2017 - for side and rear extensions, plus a new 2-berth detached garage (17/04773/H) - this latest application (17/06194/CP) for a new-build 4-berth single-storey detached garage makes no reference to the previous successful application - in any shape or form.
UPDATE! (18 December) A Certificate of Lawfulness was Issued on 18 December 2017. However, the Planning Officer noted that "any future use of the building hereby permitted other than as an ancillary building for the host dwelling will require further planning permission in its own right".