Response to Application 11-13 High Street

8 Southdown Road
Westbury on Trym
10 December 2024

Dear Planning Officer

Planning Application 24/04548/F:
Former NatWest 11-13 High Street, Westbury on Trym

Dear Planning Officer

The Society notes that this is a further application to provide more residential accommodation to the rear of the former NatWest Bank on the High Street.

It is noted that there is already residential accommodation above the shops and Lloyds bank next door and the Society did not object to the recent proposals for the residential use of the upper floors of the former NatWest bank. However, we consider the introduction of an additional storey to the rear of the bank to accommodate part of a new HMO creates an unsatisfactory form of development to the rear of this group of buildings.

The site is within the Westbury on Trym Conservation area. It is to the rear of a characterful sweep of buildings fronting the High Street. The rear of these can be seen from the car park which forms part of the Carlton Court shopping centre. Although the rear elevations are more functional, the curve of the buildings is notable and very visible with single storey outbuildings forming an edge. As can be seen from the proposed elevations, the proposal would add a large two storey block onto the rear, which would dominate views.

This would be contrary to the scale and form of development in the area as can be seen from the elevations. There is no site plan, which we understood is a local list requirement for such applications, so it is not possible to assess distances accurately, but it does look as though it will have a significant impact on the amenities of other occupiers of flats which would have the prospect of facing onto this two storey building a short distance from living room and bedroom windows. Accordingly, we consider it fails to comply with Local Plan policies DM27, DM30 and DM31 and should be refused.

Yours sincerely

A C Renshaw
For the Westbury on Trym Society