Response to Application re Demolition of 10 Rylestone Grove

8 Southdown Road
Westbury on Trym
17 June 2022

Dear Mr Fisher

22/02332/N: Prior Approval of Demolition, 10 Rylestone Grove

The Society wishes to make comment on the proposed demolition of the dwelling, which is clearly a substantial concern in the area.

We note that the matters which the council can consider in relation to this submission are limited to the details of the demolition and the proposed restoration of the site.

This is such a prominent and large corner site in a residential area, containing a substantial house and a garden and is very visible, so the details as to how demolition will be undertaken and the restoration of the site are of great importance. The application form provides only limited information.

We consider that the information contained in the application is deficient at to how the demolition will take place. It indicates that demolition will take 2 months. How will the existing garden area be protected from destruction and where will the demolition equipment will be stored overnight during this period? The buildings on the site abut the neighbouring property and there is no information on the treatment of this and how the neighbouring property will be retained safely without damage.

Finally, there is a fundamental inconsistency in the information provided in respect of the finished state of the site. The information states that some materials will be reused, which is to be welcomed. However, it states that ‘rubble will either be left on site or removed’. Now if material is to be left on site for future use, that might be more sustainable BUT it will leave unattractive mounds of rubble on what is an exceptionally prominent and large site.

For this reason we conclude that prior approval should not be granted.

Yours sincerely
A C Renshaw MRTPI
On behalf of the Westbury on Trym Society