Society Talks

Society Talks at the Library
(Page Last Updated 2nd September 2024)

For a number of years, the Westbury on Trym Society (WoTSoc) organised evening talks at the Village Hall. With the arrival of Covid, these were discontinued but they have now restarted! 
These meetings are held in the Library on Falcondale Road, usually on Thursday evenings, starting at 8:00pm and with doors open from 7:45. They are free to WoTSoc members and £2 for non-members – and you can become a member on the night! 
Our first talk, From Pen to Print given by Gordon Young, was held on May 23rd and had an attendance of about 35. Details of our next talks are posted below and emailed to members as soon as they are available.
Places are limited to a maximum of 45. To book yours, please email the society at or ring Malcolm Neave on 01179502825.

Tuesday September 24th : “From boy to man in the Somerset Coalfield” by Bryn Hawkins, a retired miner

Tuesday October 15th : “The Blue Plaques of Bristol” by Gordon Young of the Civic Society

Thursday November 21st : “The World of Town Planning” by Andy Renshaw, Chair of WOTSOC and a retired chartered town planner.

Tuesday January 28th : “Stoke Bishop: Bristol’s leafy Suburb” by Keith Sheather, local author and former BBC Producer who will present his new book on the history of Stoke Bishop. (Copies of Keith’s book will be on sale at the end and he will be pleased to sign them for you.)