Weeding the War Memorial

Weeding the War Memorial
(Page Updated June 19th)

For many years, a focus at the centre of the village, as of so many other places across the country, has been the War Memorial. We were very pleased when, following concerns raised by ourselves and many residents of Westbury, the Council found the monet to clean the memorial and to reface some of the stonework and renew some of the lettering.
However, financial constraints have meant that the Council does very little maintenance of the roads and paved areas, so that weeds soon spring up... To combat this, WoTSoc and SusWot have worked together to set up a small team of volunteers to clear the area of weeds on a regular basis, usually on a Sunday afternoon... Weather and other commitments permitting, it is hoped to make this a monthly event during the summer and early autumn, culminating on the Sunday before Amistice Day.

If you would like to help, please contact us by email or phone to know when we will next be out with our trowels!